Collection: St. Augustine Collection

Scent profile - Lemon, Lime, Ginger

St. Augustine is the first and oldest town in the continental United States! founded by the Spanish in 1565, it is a town rich with history. Settled 55 years before the Pilgrams landed in Plymouth Rock. St. Augustine served as the first Underground Railroad during the French and Indian War where escaped slaves would make their way to the Spanish Fort there and were granted independence by the Spanish Governer.

St. Augustine also involved in the Civil War as this was controlled by Union Troops through-out the 4 years of war while being in a southern state which had succeeded from the Union. St. Augustine has a rich and vast profile when it comes to the history of its founding. Today you can visit and take in the amazing Spanish architecture and diverse culture and even Visit the Fountain of Youth, which Ponce DeLeon was said to have found it in St. Augustine!

St. Augustine Collection